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Introduction and Important details
Welcome (1:39)
Structure of the course (8:18)
How to go about (9:55)
Stay connected
About me (3:17)
Special Instructions for people who do not know the Sanskrit alphabets
Workbook - Very important
Live class recordings - Batch 14 (560:19)
Live class recordings - Batch 15 (634:44)
Live class recording - Batch 16 (Thursday) (301:20)
Live class recordings - Batch 16 (Saturday) (550:36)
Week 1
Vocabulary Builder 1 (1:51)
Vocabulary Builder 2 (1:28)
Quiz on Vocabulary
Conversational Samskritam 1 (5:12)
Conversational Samskritam 2 (1:22)
Grammar - Genders in Sanskrit (13:32)
Grammar - Numbers in Sanskrit (7:51)
Story 1 (3:40)
Shanti mantram (0:25)
Week 2
Conversational Samskritam 1 - self intro continued (2:10)
Conversational Samskritam 2- atra, tatra etc. (3:41)
Vocabulary1- verbs (2:45)
Vocabulary 2 - verbs (3:27)
Quiz on Vocabulary
Grammar 1 - Verbs singular, dual and plural (8:57)
Grammar 2 - Make sentences (9:35)
Story - Fox and grapes (3:01)
Shanti mantram (0:25)
Week 3
Vocabulary 1 - Places (1:48)
Vocabulary 2 - Vehicles (2:54)
Quiz on vocabulary
Conversational Sanskritam 1- Asking questions (5:55)
Conversational Samskritam 2 (4:11)
Grammar 1 - sambodhana Pratham and table intro (10:15)
Grammar 2 - Dviteeya vibhaktiH (19:11)
Story - Honest woodcutter (6:10)
Home work
Grammar 1
Daily practice - Rama Shabda recitation
Shanti mantram (0:25)
Week 4
Vocabulary 1 - Fruits (1:23)
Vocabulary 2 - Numbers 1 to 30 (4:00)
Conversational Samskritam 1 (4:58)
Conversational Samskritam 2 (3:48)
Grammar 1 - Neutral gender, 2nd case practice (23:57)
Grammar 2 - Third case (14:56)
Story - Greedy dog (2:17)
Daily practice - Rama shabdaH recitation (0:40)
Shanti mantram (0:25)
Week 5
Vocabulary - 1 Numbers 31 to 60 (3:19)
Vocabulary -2 Colours (1:38)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Thank you etc (2:30)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - wishing on special occasions (2:29)
Grammar 1 - 4th vibhakti (16:23)
Grammar 2 - verbs 2nd person (17:08)
Story - Fox and crane (5:17)
Daily practice - Rama shabdaH and Lat lakaraH (1:17)
Bonus: Shloka analysis (8:34)
Week 6
Vocabulary 1 - Numbers 61 to 100 (2:06)
Vocabulary 2 - Landforms (1:35)
Grammar 1 - 5th vibhakti (8:24)
Grammar 2 - verbs 1st person (7:33)
Conversational Samskritam 1- Daily routine (2:38)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - Thank you, welcome advanced (2:30)
Story - Hare and tortoise (3:32)
Daily practice Rama shabdaH and Lat lakaraH (1:17)
Bonus: Shloka analysis (1:25)
Bonus: Story book - JagarukaaH bhavantu (4:59)
Week 7
Vocabulary 1 - Relatives (6:36)
Vocabulary 2 - Time (5:53)
Grammar 1 - 6th vibhakti (9:23)
Grammar 2 - 7th vibhakti (5:51)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Daily routine with time (6:27)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - House landmarks (3:55)
Story - Lion and mouse (4:41)
Daily practice Rama shabdaH and Lat lakaraH (1:17)
Bonus: Story book Reading (4:13)
Vibhakti Summary in English, Hindi and Tamil
Week 8
Vocabulary 1 - Days of the week (2:14)
Vocabulary 2 - Vegetables (2:34)
Grammar 1 - pratyayas ktvaa and lyap (18:24)
Grammar 1 - Future tense (17:29)
Conversational Samskritam - Daily routine with ktvaa and lyap (2:46)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - Time related (3:55)
Story - Fox and crow (3:23)
Daily practice (0:18)
Bonus - Story book reading (7:05)
Week 9
Vocabulary 1 - Wild animals (1:58)
Vocabulary 2 - Birds (1:46)
Bonus : Subhashitas (3:31)
Grammar 1 - ktavatu pratyaya (10:14)
Grammar 2 - Pronouns (17:48)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Weather (2:42)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - Ramayana story (4:50)
Story - The boy who cried wolf (4:50)
Daily practice: Tad shabdaH (0:26)
Bonus: Story Book Reading (11:50)
Week 10
Vocabulary 1 - Domestic animals (1:45)
Vocabulary 2 - Emotions (2:21)
Grammar 1 - Kim and yad shabdas (16:18)
Grammar 2 - Feminie Gender (1,2,3 vibhaktis) (21:13)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Animals (5:51)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - Shop scene (2:41)
Story - Proud peacock (3:00)
Week 11
Vocabulary 1 - 6 tastes (1:44)
Vocabulary 2 - Kitchen items (1:30)
Grammar 1 - Tumun pratyayaH (6:22)
Grammar 2 - Feminine gender (vibhakti 4) (10:58)
Conversational Sanskrit - What you like to do (3:13)
Conversational Sanskrit 2 - Questions (9:28)
Story - Foolish Goat (3:00)
Week 12
Vocabulary 1 - Food items (2:30)
Vocabulary 2 - Spices (2:41)
Grammar 1 - adjectives (16:40)
Grammar 2 - Rama shabdaH 5,6, 7 vibhaktis (21:23)
Conversational Samskritam - Holiday description (13:17)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - How was your day? (4:08)
Story - 2 goats (3:01)
Story book reading (7:05)
Week 13
Vocabulary 1 - cooking item (1:25)
Vocabulary 2 - various parts of the house (0:39)
Grammar 1- Pronouns feminine gender (18:26)
Grammar 2 - Lot lakaaraH (13:47)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Inviting guest (12:02)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - My favourite book (4:54)
Story - The playful grasshopper (5:06)
Daily practice - faminine tad shabdaH (0:28)
Week 14
Vocabulary 1 - Body parts (2:08)
Vocabulary 2 - clothing (2:22)
Grammar 1 - feminine pronoun (23:21)
Grammar 2 - vidhiling lakaraH (14:05)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Rules (7:08)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - My trip (4:22)
Story - Man and the donkey (3:40)
Week 15
Vocabulary 1 - Jewels (1:37)
Vocabulary 2 - Occupations (2:22)
Grammar 1 - Eekaaraanta streelingam (19:21)
Grammar 2 - avyaya (22:48)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Probability (4:14)
Conversational Samskritam 2 - Story telling (2:30)
Week 16
Vocabulary 1 - household things (1:26)
Vocabulary 2 - household things (1:08)
Grammar 1 - EekaaraantaH streelingaH (10:49)
Grammar 2 - Gender of Numbers AND SaptakakaaraaH (12:16)
Conversational Samskritam 1 - Why you did not come (8:11)
Conversational Samskritam - My favourite personality (3:27)
30 day challenge
What is this and how to go about (4:13)
Facebook group link
Day 1 : मम प्रियम् भोजनम्
Day 2 : भारतदेशः
Day 3: रामायणम्
Day 4: महाभारतम्
Day 5: मम विद्यालयः
Day 6: मम प्रिय-शिक्षिका
Day 7: मम प्रियः विषयः(subject)
Day 8: स्वामी विवेकानन्दः
Day 9: गङ्गा नदी
Day 10: संस्कृत-भाषा
Day 11: मम प्रियं मित्रम्
Day 12: दीपाली उत्सवः
Day 13: मम प्रियं वस्तु
Day 14: हिमालय-पर्वतः
Day 15: व्यायामः(excercise)
Day 16: मम अभिरुचिः(hobby)
Day 17: मम प्रियं चलनचित्रम् (movie)
Day 18: मम जीवनस्य एका हास्यघटना (funny incident)
Day 19: देवालयः
Day 20: मम नगरम्
Day 21: विद्यायाः महत्त्वम्
Day 22: श्रीकृष्णः
Day 23: श्रीरामः
Day 24: समुद्रः
Day 25: ग्रामजीवनम्
Day 26: नगरजीवनम्
Day 27: दूरदर्शनम्
Day 28: सीता माता
Day 29: पृथिवी
Day 30: एका सन्तोष-दायकी घटना (Happy incident)
Grammar 1 - Verbs singular, dual and plural
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